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If you are interested in DNA testing and want to know a bit more about the history of this very amazing field of science, then stick tight because in this article we will outline ten amazing moments of DNA testing history that has made it such a highly beneficial field today in science. It’s been a long road, and the journey of discovery isn’t slowing down.
10 Historic Moments Around DNA Testing
# 1 – 1859 – Charles Darwin publishes The Origin of Species

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In 1859 Charles Darwin published the Origin of Species, and this would forever change the way we saw the world and how we – humans – came into being.
# 2 – 1866 – Gregor Mendel discovers the basic principles of genetics

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Gregor Mendel was the first to show how characteristics can be passed down through generations. This would have a profound impact on the beginning of DNA studying.
# 3 – 1869 – Friedrich Miescher identifies “nuclein”

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This would be our first look and understand ing of the DNA!
# 4 – The Eugenics Movement

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The science of genetics and breeding would start to develop during this time, and the understanding of how characters and people are born is understood a bit more.
# 5 – 1944 – Oswald Avery identifies DNA as the ‘transforming principle.’

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In 1944 Oswald Avery would discover that deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was identified as the ‘transforming principle.’
# 6 – 1950 – Erwin Chargaff discovers that DNA composition is species specific

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Having been influenced by the former, Erwin Chargraff would discover that DNA is significantly affected by species.
# 7 – 1953 – James Watson and Francis Crick discover the double helix structure of DNA

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These two would win the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for discovering the double helix formation fo the DNA.
# 8 – 1990 – The Human Genome Project begins

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Perhaps one of the significant discoveries and one of the most impactful the human genome project would begin, and this would be able to tell people all about their genetic makeup, or this was the intention.
# 9 – 1996 – Dolly, the sheep, is cloned

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The first successful animal clone happened.
# 1 0 – 2003 – The Human Genome Project is completed

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The human genome project was completed, and this allowed/allows for individuals to know everything about themselves. The good health to bad health and alter their gene just a bit. In a sense, this is very much a blueprint or a full report on your whole genetic makeup. The more you know, the more you can do to prevent and stop certain diseases.